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About Us
Bringing the Traditional Market Straight to Your Door
Ceramic Classroom began as a teaching retail ceramic shop in 1981 in Alexandria, Va. In 1991, we relocated to Lee County, Va to transform into a wholesale floral and gift supply company. No longer a retail business, we were free to create new and exciting products for the floral industry. As we learned about the needs of our clientele, we added products to fill needs in our marketplace. We continue with sales, calls, and delivery in a 150 mile radius. We also ship to continue spreading the success of our products to customers outside our delivery area. We continue to offer many customized products unique for our customers local needs such as: quilts, lanterns, and pictures with your local schools logo. Our business has evolved over the years to accommodate our clientele's needs, but our company mission remains the same. We wish to work with our customers to create quality products at a reasonable price.